Rule of 72

Simple but yet powerful. A rule that provide the estimated time to reach your goal.

If an investment provide a regular return of 10% per annum and you reinvested that return, it will take 7.2 years to double your initial investment.

How? 72 divided 10% p.a. = 7.2 years

There are bank and shares paying dividends like 15 - 20 % p.a. Find them and put your money there...practically every ~ 5 years you double your initial investment!

Alternatively, reversing the equation give the rate of investment return required for specified number of years to double the initial investment.

How? 72 divided 5 years = 14.4%

Chance favour the prepared mind -- Louis Pasteur


If you are an employee, sure you have heard about plan, or at least the word budget. Why companies have a department just to do that all year long? Simply because they need to know where they are going and putting all the efforts and resources towards that goal.

So do you have a life plan? Life plan are created when you answers the following questions:-

1. What do you want it?

2. Why do you want it?

3. When do you get it?

4. How do you get it?

Go on, take few days, live, dream and attempt to answers those questions. The answers lies inside YOU.
My knowledge sharing will assist you with to answer the last question, insyallah.

If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan.
And guess what they have planned for you? Not much. --Jim Rohn

"A definite plan, plus a burning desire, are the only dependable means of accumulating wealth."
--Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich

Courage to change

Yesterday I encountered a friend who has been working for almost 10 years. Married with 3 kids. We were discussing about her early retirement from works for many, many occasion. Taking the step out is very painful but she finally managed to pull it through. Congrats - You finally have the courage to do it.

Sometimes you does not have the means to do it, i.e. you practically depends on that monthly income to go on. But my friends is the one who relatively has the means but yet does not have the courage to do it.

If you think you does not have the means to do it, have the courage to change that! That is your first big steps.

Journey of a thousand miles start with the first step.

Parameter III

What are the topics? Free - Easy - Life. In short, FREAL.
Creating yourself a plan towards free and easy life!

Most of the knowledge sharing will be around the topics of personal investment for anyone. Normal person earning a decent living but soon getting tired of your daily routine and ask when does this will end? Of course when you passed away, but then, do you want that?

"I work, my husband work. Back at home, I attend to the kids. Tomorrow we are out to work again, back home, the kids is sick, aiyoh....can I stay at home, can I afford to stay at home, thousands questions flowing in my mind...and I feel..."

Life meant to be simple, easy and to be lived to its fullest! Do you want that or you wish or need it?

Courage is a door that can only be opened from the inside.
-- Terry Neil

Parameter II

Today world is a relatively mean world. If you a weak, you'll be a victim. If you are poor, you'll be at someone mercy.

Seen the the movie, The Pursuit of Happiness starred by Will Smith, life is tough until you decided and determined to get through it once for all. Until then, all of us is in "The pursuit of happiness". Achieving it will free you up and life, insyallah, will be relatively easy thereafter.

My materials will be of the simplest forms, really basic I would say because the easier, the better. Once you get the hang of it move on to heavier stuff.

I welcome questions and discussion on the how to do it. There are plenty of choices out there.

Your determination to CHANGE is a powerful force living inside all of us. Do you have the courage to change and prosper?

Parameter I

This knowledge sharing will be in English with Malay language as the alternative language. Discussion is welcome in both language.

Since this is a life sharing knowledge, experts are welcome to comments and corrects any shortcomings. Thanks for those who is willing to guide me and others within this group.

My goal and objectives is to share my knowledge and experience. Hopefully, this knowledge will benefit you and contribute towards better life with without loss time due 'experimental' experiences.

If any of these does not appeal to you, thanks for dropping by and please move on to another site and continue your search.

Why do it

This knowledge sharing is what I feel the best for me to do in view of "giving it back" to the community concept. I went thru it and determined that anyone who is clever enough to evaluate will take this as lesson for their life to come out stronger and better than I am.

Current financial crisis is real. Believe it. for those went through the last episode know how it is. I'm also affected by it then. But knowledge and courage put me through it.

My intention is to write short story, comments, etc. As most of us is of course busy, busy, busy, lengthy words...
Those have who had made it, have all the time in this world to browse and read leisurely. I'm working towards that target!

What really matters is not just our own winning but helping other people to win, too.-- Fred Rogers

The Entrance

What this is all about? Knowledge sharing. Yep, share on how everyone can be free of daily hassle, live an easy and meaningful life. Long before it can happens, create it first!