Completing the retirement fund exercise gave me the greatest feeling of self empowerment. I didn't really aware that I'm aware of such thing while wasting 10 years of my working life. What I do then is work, work and work. Trading my entire life for someone else. That why they say, employment, while providing opportunity for earning, is actually trading your life for money and someone is profiting it!

Bet you are not aware of it. Most of us do that unconsciously on day to day. Why? To me, it is simply  because of no knowledge. Hands up those who know that you can control your own life. What we been told is, get good education and go to work for good corporation for whole of your life. While doing that constantly we are bombarded with spend, spend, spend, that is the lifestyle!

You just follow those suggestion subconsciously for years and suddenly realised that what am I doing.

"I earn 3,000 monthly, work for 5 years and yet have almost zero in my saving. Where all the 180,000 gone?"
Don't be sad, you are not alone. Thousand more employee out there in your same situation. If I ever save just 10%, that is 18,000 with me now. How I wish.

Next we'll shall move on to planning and targets.

There are two primary choices in life: To accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them.  --Denis Waitley  

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Hmmm.... Many are facing this issue as well. Many didn't realised that they are not saving until later in life... which is too late. So, we are among the lucky ones :)